Maryland Celebrates Historic Preservation Month

Baltimore - The Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) has released an electronic Calendar of Events and Activities of historic preservation and other organizations, scheduled in communities across the state, in recognition of Historic Preservation Month.

"There's something for everyone during Historic Preservation Month in Maryland," said Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. "From a public archaeology dig at the Oakley Cabin in Brookeville to a Tea Party at the Howard County Center of African American Culture, events created by and for Maryland residents instill an appreciation of Maryland's rich heritage. I am pleased to pronounce May as Historic Preservation Month."

The Calendar of Events lists many culturally enriching opportunities. Maryland's culturally diverse history is reflected in hundreds of historic places that tell the stories of our collective past. A highlight of Preservation Month is the Annual Preservation and Revitalization Conference on May 18 and19 in Annapolis.

"May is a momentous month for Maryland's heritage," said Audrey E. Scott, Maryland Secretary of Planning. "Maryland is proud to be a leader in preservation. I commend Maryland's historic preservation organizations for their contributions to the state's and the nation's heritage."

Commencing Historic Preservation Month, on May 1 Maryland received national recognition by earning one of two Preserve America 2006 Presidential Awards for Heritage Tourism. Maryland received the 2006 award for its Maryland Heritage Areas Program, an innovative program that encourages revitalization and economic development in Heritage Areas while balancing livability with protecting Maryland's cultural, historical and natural assets.

The Calendar of Events of statewide preservation organizations can be downloaded at

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