The Mechanicsville staff of Monster Scooter Parts. From left: Karen, Dee, Tara, Kevin Alvey, Glenn B., Mike, Alyssa, Katie, Glenn Alvey, Andy, and Jenn B. (Submitted photo)

Monster Scooter Parts Co-Founders Glenn Alvey and Kevin Alvey. (Submitted photo)
Fast growth at any time is a big achievement; fast growth during the past few years is just short of miraculous, said Inc. editor Jane Berentson. The Inc. 500 consists of these just-short-of miraculous companies, the ones that through ingenuity and ambition have increased revenue, hired employees, and grown fast in difficult economic times.
The company, founded in 2005 by Kevin and Glenn Alvey, employs twelve people and is located in the Fowler Industrial Park in Mechanicsville. They also have an office in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
In 2006, the company had revenues of $147,754. In 2009, they reported $2.4 million in revenue.
Being named to the Inc. 500 is an incredible honor," said Kevin Alvey. "Becoming an Inc. 500 company is a huge milestone for Monster Scooter Parts and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all our employees."
Monster Scooter Parts is the nation's premier online scooter parts retailer, selling replacement parts for recreational scooters, street scooters, and mobility scooters and power wheelchairs, according to Kevin Alvey.
The company was founded based on consumer demand for replacement parts for recreational scooters.
Back in 2005, the after-the-sale parts support for electric and gas scooters was poor at best, says co-founder Glenn Alvey. We stepped into the market and provided customers with an affordable alternative to purchasing a new replacement scooter. Today, we still fill that void in the recreational scooter world, but we have also taken that same mission and applied it to help our mobility and street scooter customers."
For more information about Monster Scooter Parts, visit www.monsterscooterparts.com.