Charles Co. Gov. News Briefs

Community Clean Up Day Set for October 10

The Charles County Department of Public Works encourages citizens to participate in a community cleanup day on Saturday, Oct. 10. Residents are encouraged to use this opportunity to clean their neighborhoods and homes. On Oct. 10, any trash (with the exception of tires) may be disposed of at no charge at the Charles County Landfill between 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Charles County proof-of-residency will be required. Haulers’ rate will apply for all commercial vehicles. Charles County’s definition of a commercial vehicle includes: stake body, sideboards, ladder racks, utility body, signs, logos, lettering, and/or vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or more.

For more information, call the Charles County Landfill at 301-932-9038. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711 or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.

County Accepting Applications for Purchase of Development Rights Program

The Charles County Commissioners wish to notify residents that applications are being accepted to participate in the fiscal year 2016 Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Program. All applications must be stamped received by the Department of Planning and Growth Management by close of business Friday, Nov. 27, 2015.

In November 2014, the Commissioners approved a Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Program for Charles County. The development of a county PDR Program was a long standing recommendation of the county’s Comprehensive Plan, and the Land Preservation Parks and Recreation Plan.

The PDR Program allows the county to purchase and retire transferrable development rights from willing sellers, thereby preserving productive agricultural and forest land for future generations. The program will also augment the private market for transferrable development rights by providing an additional funding source and market for their sale.

The PDR Program adds an additional preservation tool to the county’s existing land preservation programs, including the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, Rural Legacy, and Transferrable Development Rights Programs. Collectively these three programs have permanently preserved 16,387 acres of farm and forest land throughout the county’s rural areas.

During fiscal year 2015, the county permanently preserved 1,200 acres of prime farm and forest land, not only contributing significant county funds, but leveraging funding from the state and the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission for a combined budget of $6 million.

For more information on program requirements, and to obtain an application, landowners may visit Programs/Land Preservation or contacting:

-- Charles Rice, at (301) 645-0651 or

-- Aimee Dailey, at (301) 645-2721 or

Seminar on Doing Business with Charles County Government Scheduled Nov. 5

The Department of Fiscal and Administrative Services Purchasing Division will host a free seminar on “How to Do Business with Charles County Government” on Thursday, November 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Charles County Government Building (200 Baltimore Street, La Plata). Small, local, women, and minority- and veteran-owned businesses are invited to attend the seminar to learn how they can expand their contracting opportunities.

Participants will learn how to:

-- Certify their small, locally-owned business with the county’s Small Local Business Enterprise Program.

-- Register their minority-owned business with the county’s Minority Business Enterprise Program.

-- Access county business opportunities and business development support.

-- Connect to and hear from county buyers that actually manage the projects.

-- Network with other business owners and share business success stories.

Reservations are required. Contact Lucinia Mundy at or call 301-885-1334 to RSVP. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.

Hughesville Village Zoning Study Public Meeting to be Held Oct. 13

The Department of Planning and Growth Management will hold a Hughesville Village Zoning Study public meeting/open house on Tuesday, Oct. 13 in the Charles County Government Building conference room (200 Baltimore Street, La Plata). The meeting will present issues, options, and initial recommendations for new zoning districts and revisions to the Hughesville zoning maps.

Charles County is conducting a study to draft zoning regulations for the Village of Hughesville. The project is a key component in implementing the 2007 Hughesville Village Revitalization Plan, which calls for promoting infill development and revitalization while preserving and enhancing the village’s character. The study area contains land currently in the village residential, village commercial, and light industrial zoning districts. Detailed maps of zoning districts can be found at

Meeting schedule:

-- 7 p.m. Welcome and introductions

-- 7:05 p.m. Presentation by consultant team

-- 7:45 p.m. Public comments and questions

-- 8:15 p.m. Informal open house and discussion; exhibits available for viewing

An issue paper with the meeting’s presentation materials will be available for review beginning Tuesday, Oct. 6 at To review the 2007 Hughesville Village Revitalization Plan, visit

For more information about the project, contact Amy Blessinger at or 301-645-0650. Citizens with special needs, contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.

Fall and Winter Sports League Registration Open

Lace up your shoes and get ready to play! Sports leagues are available for all ages.

Adult Leagues:

-- Adult Basketball Leagues are available for ages 18 and up. Games are played each Sunday at various locations throughout the county. Games begin in early November.

-- Adult 30+ Basketball Leagues are available with an eight-game regular season. Games are played on Thursdays. Games begin in mid-October.

-- Adult Volleyball Leagues are available with a 10-match (30-game) season. Competitive, recreational, and church leagues are available. Games begin in mid-October.

Basketball registration fee is $525 if you register by Wednesday, Oct. 14. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Oct. 14. Volleyball registration fee is $300 if you register by Wednesday, Sept. 30. Deadline to register is Oct. 7.

Youth Leagues (ages as of Sept. 1, 2015):

-- Co-Ed Indoor Soccer: Open to youth ages five to 18. Ten game season begins in January.

-- Co-ed and Girls’ Basketball: Open to youth ages seven to 18. Ten-game season begins in January.

-- Select Basketball: Open for boys’ ages nine to 14 years, and girls’ ages 11 to 14 years. Players interested in participating in the select league must register and attend a mandatory tryout. Any player not selected will play in the Youth Co-Ed or Girls Basketball leagues.

-- Youth Co-Ed Volleyball: Open to youth in grades five through eight.

Youth basketball and soccer registration fee is $50 if you register by Wednesday, Oct. 14. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 28. Youth volleyball registration fee is $65 if you register by Wednesday, Sept. 30. Deadline to register is Oct. 7. Coaches are needed for youth sports. If selected to coach, you will receive 50 percent off of your child’s registration fee. The refund only applies to one participating child and will be processed after the first game.

Pee Wee Leagues (ages as of Sept. 1, 2015):

-- Co-Ed Indoor Soccer: Open to four year olds.

-- Co-ed Basketball: Open to five and six year olds.

-- Girls’ basketball: Open to ages five through seven.

Commissioners Issue Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation

On Tuesday, Oct. 6, the Charles County Board of Commissioners proclaimed the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence violates an individual's humanity, privacy, dignity, and security due to the use of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. The problems of domestic violence are not confined to any group or groups of people, but across all economic, racial, genders, and ages.

Approximately 15.5 million children of varying socioeconomic backgrounds are exposed to domestic violence every year, and one out of every 10 teenagers are physically hurt by someone they are dating. The Commissioners encourage Charles County residents to work toward eliminating domestic violence in our community. For additional information about domestic violence, visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at

In attendance were: Commissioner Bobby Rucci (District 4); Amanda Yowell, Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy; Commissioner Vice President Ken Robinson (District 1); Rosemary Raiman, Advocates Working for Victims in Crisis and State’s Attorney’s Office; Commissioner Amanda M. Stewart, M.Ed. (District 3); Robin Washington, State’s Attorney’s Office; Capt. Stephen Salvas, Charles County Sheriff’s Office; Commissioner Debra M. Davis, Esq. (District 2); Sandy Washington, Lifestyles of Maryland; Commissioner President Peter F. Murphy; Michele Corley, Center for Abused Persons; and Jenifer Walter, Charles County Sheriff’s Office.

Commissioners Recognize Oct. 4-10 as Fire Prevention Week

On Tuesday, Oct. 6 the Charles County Commissioners recognized Oct. 4-10 as Fire Prevention Week. Home fires killed 2,755 United States residents in 2013, according to the National Fire Protection Association, and U.S. fire departments responded to 369,500 home fires. Working smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in home fires by 50 percent, and half of all home fire deaths result from fires reported at night between the hours of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., when most people are asleep.

The 2015 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep: Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm!” effectively serves to remind us that we need working smoke alarms in every sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of the home.

Charles County is fortunate to have more than 1,000 volunteer professionals combat fires and help reduce the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education. The Commissioners encourage Charles County residents to make home fire safety a priority.

In attendance were: Commissioner Bobby Rucci (District 4); Commissioner Amanda M. Stewart, M.Ed. (District 3); Lynn Gilroy (President, Charles County Volunteer Firemen's Association); Commissioner Vice President Ken Robinson (District 1); Mark Kaufmann, Jr.(Charles County Fire Chief); Commissioner Debra M. Davis, Esq. (District 2); Doug Hutchins, Chief, La Plata Volunteer Fire Department; and Commissioner President Peter F. Murphy.

Commissioners Recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month

On Tuesday, Sept. 29, the Charles County Commissioners proclaimed October 2015 Breast Cancer Awareness Month. More than 232,000 Americans are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. October 2015 marks more than 30 years that this national month has provided education about breast cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

The Commissioners recognize the importance of raising breast cancer awareness, and express appreciation to our community advocates and partners for their important role in creating a future without breast cancer.

Commissioners Proclaim October Litter Enforcement Month

On Tuesday, Sept. 29, the Charles County Commissioners proclaimed October 2015 as Litter Enforcement Month. County agencies are joining together in a collaborative effort to encourage a litter-free environment through education, community improvements, and enforcement. The Charles County Sheriff’s Office dedicates resources during the months of October and April to increase enforcement of litter control laws.

Litter is both unsightly and dangerous. It threatens the natural environment and wildlife, and can be a deterrent to tourism and other forms of economic development. The Commissioners fully support litter prevention and enforcement practices, and are committed to establishing and implementing policies and programs to reduce litter, conserve energy, and promote sustainability. The Commissioners encourage residents to help make a difference in Charles County.

In attendance were: Commissioner Bobby Rucci (District 4); Capt. Stephen Salvas (Charles County Sheriff’s Office); Commissioner Vice President Ken Robinson (District 1); Frances Sherman (Recycling Superintendent, Charles County Government); Commissioner Amanda M. Stewart, M.Ed. (District 3); Commissioner President Peter F. Murphy, and Commissioner Debra M. Davis, Esq. (District 2).

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